WWE's Rising Stars: Who to Watch in 2023


Ava Stunner: With her electrifying moves and unmatched charisma, Ava is quickly becoming a fan favorite. Her agility in the ring is a sight to behold.

Max 'The Mauler' Madison: Known for his brute strength and tactical prowess, Max is climbing the ranks at an impressive pace. His matches are always a display of raw power.

Lily 'The Lioness' Lawrence: Lily's technical skills and high-flying maneuvers have earned her a reputation as a formidable opponent. She's a rising star in the women's division.

'Iron' Jake Jordan: Jake's resilience and endurance make him a tough competitor. His ability to withstand and bounce back in matches is truly inspiring.

Serena 'The Swift' Silva: Serena's speed and quick reflexes have left audiences in awe. She's known for her rapid strikes and fluid movement in the ring.

Ethan 'Eclipse' Elwood: With a mysterious persona and unique fighting style, Ethan is quickly gaining popularity. His signature moves are both innovative and effective.

Natalie 'Nighthawk' Nguyen: Natalie's agility and acrobatic skills make her a standout performer. She's known for executing some of the most daring moves in the ring.

Derek 'The Dynamo' Daniels: Derek's explosive energy and charismatic personality have won over many fans. He's a powerhouse in the ring, always delivering high-octane performances.

Kara 'Krusher' Kowalski: Kara's strength and no-nonsense attitude make her a formidable wrestler. She's quickly making a name for herself with her impressive grappling skills.

'Vicious' Vince Vaughn: Vince's aggressive style and fierce determination make him a wrestler to watch. He's known for his intense matches and ability to dominate opponents.


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